Wednesday 2 April 2014

How Women Look Like After wearing Makeup

Every woman wants to look flawless.
You could not convince most people that this is the same person! With the colorful contacts, she looks like she's barely even related to the woman underneath all of that makeup!

This woman is a natural beauty with a lot of the simple beauty issues a lot of woman have. The glam eye is a bit too much but we definitely wouldn't think this was the same person.


Red lipstick is a quick way to transform any look. In this case, it's one of the last things you notice because the rest of the makeup has had such a dramatic effect.

It should be no surprise that under all of that makeup and style, celebrities are just like us. Though she's a natural beauty.


This woman seems to have lost 10 pounds right before our eyes. She looked gorgeous before the contouring but after she looks thinner and even a bit younger.


Similar to Kim K's signature contouring look, this dark haired beauty looks even more glamorous. Those bold lashes might be a little too much for everyday wear but the rest looks great!



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